my soulmate
2008 February 17
Created by Donna 16 years ago
I first met Jamie as a fellow delegate at the annual National Conference for Cancer Support and Self Help Groups in Manchester. Little did I realise what a profound day that would signify in both our lives.
Jamie presented as a very angry and defensive young man- not surprising really as he had recently been delivered his future anticipated prognosis.
As a nurse working closely with people affected by cancer I had seen this emotional response on many occasions- but there was something about Jamie that was different- something that reflected a deep, caring and meaningful lad under all that bravado and anger.
It didn't take long before Jamie began to express his feelings to me and from that moment we developed the kind of friendship that touches deepdown inside your soul. He called me his rockchick and he was my soulmate.
Together we communicated regularly- usually by text or phone, often late into the early hours. We shared lots of laughter, naughty innuendos and a whole range of emotions -that I know holds lasting and cherished memories for me and I hope with the warmest of kisses gave Jamie some degree of solace.
It's amazing how you can meet someone so very special and unique- in what can only be referred to as sad circumstances. If I could I would change that with every ounce of strength I possess. However, to have met Jamie has enriched my life immensely and will forever. The honour of him allowing me into Jamie's world alongside his intended legacy of the developing and exceptional friendship between myself and his family is not short of amazing. Significantly, the acquisition of a big sis in his mum - Donna xx. For that Jamie I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
There are many experiences and things I could and may share- and many I would not as these are my lasting, personal and cherished memories of my soulmate. Besides, being a Yorkshire lass we're known for being thrifty and this is no exception- I'll leave you to wonder!
In many ways Jamie was like any ordinary lad his age- plenty of bravado, a cheeky attitude and a whole lot of testosterone! Pushing the boundaries on more than one occasion- often bringing about hysterical laughter between the two of us and embarrassment for others like the time when his Marie Curie Nurse walked to find... (am I ok for time where was I?) Then there was the sensitive, kind, gentle and caring Jamie who would never complain, no matter how he was feelin and who demonstrated an immense compassion towards others, that appeared far beyond the years of a lad so young . Importantly ,he talked of the deep love and respect he felt for his family and especially his mum Donna, that could only be admired.
The sharing of such precious feelings with me meant that I developed a profound closeness with Jamie that we began to anticipate each others thoughts and feelings.
The priveledge of knowing and understanding Jamie I hope has enabled me to support Donna by living a little through his eyes and throughout her emotional journey. Although, I have to be honest there have been times when she has needed a kick up the proverbrial- something that only Jamie and I could get away with. There has been moments of Hysteria, laughter, love and total insanity along the way! A real rollercoaster ride! But a relationship that Jamie would have loved and something that only a little sis and bezzie mate could get away with. With that in mind I'd like to leave you with one of those proverbial thoughts I wrote on behalf of Jamie to his mum....
Live your life as I would full of fun, laughter, no inhibitions as if there is no stopping you! Never say never and always make others smile especially if they are smiling with you. Do not have regret or put off today what you could do tommorrow, let my world live in yours and our hearts beat together. Love as you wish to be loved and as I love you, dad and Phil. Throw caution to the wind, let down your hair and show the world life is for living and to experience new challenges.
So go out there and enjoy!
Yours forever Jamie and Lou xx
Big hugs Jamie- catch up soon your rockchick Lou xxxx